Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ready to go!

My bags are (mostly) packed, my cell phone, camera, and iPod are charging, I've printed out my itinerary and a map, and my plane leaves in almost exactly twelve hours...I'd say I'm pretty set to go. And because of all the prayer support I've received from friends and family and being able and encouraged to commune with God in this time before leaving, I can say that my heart is ready to go as well and ready to learn.

I will be at Urbana from Dec 27-31 and Passion from January 1-4. My schedule will be something like this:

Morning: Ephesians Bible study in a small group, a morning Bible teaching
Afternoon: 2 seminars, except on Dec 30 there will be community prayer time
Dinner (provided by Urbana)
Evening: General session, community prayer time

I am most interested in the seminars that have to do with evangelism, campus ministry, and balancing faith and the workplace...specifically, journalism and public school teaching. I am also interested in several seminars that have to do with using the gifts of music and writing for God.

Morning: Worship and a general session
Lunch (provided by Passion)
Afternoon: Breakout sessions (small group, service projects, possible seminars)
Evening: General session, late evening worship

Speakers at Passion will include Beth Moore, John Piper, and Louie Giglio. David Crowder, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, and Chris Tomlin will also be there.

I will be getting to Urbana and home from Passion via plane, and I am driving from St. Louis to Atlanta with several friends in a rented car the night of New Years. Specific prayer requests follow...
  • health!!!
  • safety, especially in transit
  • that my heart and mind would remain open to what God wants to teach through the speakers, Bible studies, worship, seminars, small group time, and prayer time
  • speakers, prayer ministry, worship ministry, volunteers
  • that I would be able to maintain a feeling of rest and be able to start up with school again after Urbana/Passion and still feel like I got adequate resting time
  • for the other friends I know going to these events: Mason, Chrystalain, Lisa, Jenni, Samantha

Thanks again for your support in these past months. I can't wait for tomorrow! I will do my best to update this blog while I am there, but if they don't have computers, I won't be able to. Let's hope that they do! If not, you'll hear from me for sure after January 4.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Beautiful Feet

Some of your feet will be wounded. Others bruised. Some broken. Some feet will be tired, others happy, some running, others stumbling. Some lying, ceased living, trapped, confused, deceived. Some feet dancing, leaping, springing, bounding...His were pierced. And though risen, the feet of Jesus still bear those wounds. His hands and His feet have been run through by whatever yours feel and face today. How beautiful are His feet, and the feet of those who bring the good news of Jesus

~ Passion Blog, December 7, 2006

One thing that I think people forget when they are preparing for something like a missions trip or a conference, or even just when they are getting ready for church or Bible study, is that every time you come into contact with God, you have to respond. Because something of yourself is revealed in that time. When you come into contact with the Creator, the Father, Emmanuel (God with us), the Christ, you see in stark detail the difference between you and He.

We bring our baggage with us everywhere we go, and especially when we go to a place with the purpose of experiencing God. For a long time I felt like I had to have everything right before I went before the throne of God. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get over things, why I kept dwelling on the past, why I didn't feel joyful.

It's not easy to realize that you will always bear your wounds, but then again, so does Jesus. The holes in his hands, feet, and side were still there after his resurrection. I don't know how that plays into the fact that we get new bodies once we go to heaven, but that's not what I'm speculating about now. :)

The wounds of Jesus remind us that He made Himself as one of us so that He could relate to us. They remind us that He took our sin and cross to make us whole, and He understands everything we are going through. Our wounds should do something similar. Not exactly the same, but think about it.

Because we are wounded, we can give testimony to the glory and grace of God. Keeping things to ourselves not only hurts us, but it prevents our brothers and sisters from knowing the fullness of God and what He has done for us. We're called to testify to His love, glory, and grace. I'm not saying that you need to spill about everything that has happened to you to everyone, but when we are open about our lives, when we show the scars and the joys on our feet, it brings us into fellowship with others and it fosters joy and reconciliation in our lives.

Prayer for today: that everyone getting ready to go to Passion and Urbana prepares their hearts to meet God, because there is no way anyone can go there and not see something about themselves that they don't like, but that's why there's grace

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Passion Blog

I've added a link to the Passion/268 Generation Blog. Yesterday, they started a 28 day prayer preparation for Passion 07. If you're looking for something to pray through, I'd encourage you to check it out! See the link on the right column...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Seminars and Support

Sorry about the lack of updates...the past few weeks have been very busy with Ring Figure, Thanksgiving, and then finishing up classes. I still have another week of classes, but I'm mostly done with what I have to do, so praise God for that!

Two very nice things happened last week. Firstly, I went over my support money goal, so I have everything I need to attend Passion and Urbana! It's very cool seeing how God provides when you open yourself up to it. I highly encourage it. :)

Secondly, the seminars were posted on the Urbana website. This probably went un-noticed by a large part of the attending population, but I have been waiting in anticipation for them since about June. Yeah.

The way Urbana works is that there are general sessions twice a day (morning and evening), group Bible study and prayer in the morning and at night, and then in the afternoon there are two seminar periods every day except for the second to last day. So, you can attend a total of 6 seminars. Also during seminar time, there is a prayer room, a worship room, and a missions agency fair, every day.

There are seminars for almost anything you can think of. The ones I am most excited about focus on worship, careers (public school teaching and journalism), campus ministry, and evangelism. Check out the seminars here.

Prayer Requests:
  • health...physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
  • my exams and final projects
  • safe travels for my friends and family
  • guidance and discernment as I prepare to attend Urbana and Passion in just 23 days!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mission and Missions

Today I took some time to go through a preparation email that I got from Urbana last week. It went through the distiction between mission and missions. For the Christian, mission is God's purpose: calling and drawing people to Himself. Missions is what we do in that overall goal; the little things that we do on a regular basis, and the big things that we do every once in a while. It's smiling and helping someone who is lost find their way, and it's serving dinner to the poor in a soup kitchen. It's working at a church camp, and it's going overseas to spread the gospel. All the time, every day, we are involved in missions.

There was also a link to an interview with Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California. He wrote The Purpose Driven Life and has spoken at numerous churches and conferences. In this interview, Rick outlined five transitions that need to be made for us to be effective in our missions for His mission:
  1. Self-centeredness --> God-centeredness
  2. Local orientation --> global orientaion
  3. Temporal values --> eternal values
  4. Security --> service
  5. Comfort --> sacrifice

Each of these things touch on different aspects of what it means to be a Christian. We are called to cast off our former identity to embrace one informed by who we are in Christ. This requires us to think like Christ did about the people in the world and how all of them are worthy of love, not just the lovable ones. It requires us to keep in mind that the things of this life will pass away, but He never will. It requires us to serve others with the same heart. All of that requires a sacrifice of our time, energy, love, comfort, resources, abilities, and so much more.

See the interview itself for more expansion upon those thoughts. :)

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is. His good, pleasing, and perfect will." ~ Romans 12:2

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Vital Attendee Information #1

Today I got the first in a series of reminder emails from the friendly people at Urbana intended to make sure that I have all of my affairs in order and that I know what I need to know in the weeks leading up to the conference. Of course, since I am slightly obsessive, I already knew much of it from reading through the web site a few times. Well, quite a few times, really. I already know my travel and hotel information, and I've thought about seminars and what kinds of things I want to participate in at the conference.

The email served as a reminder to a planning-oriented person like myself that no matter how much I read through the information they provide and think through what I want to do when I'm there, it's still going to be stretching experience. Especially since we're going to turn around and drive to Atlanta from St. Louis in the middle of the night to attend another conference back to back.

But stretching is good for you, at least I think so. :) It reminds you and gives you the courage to have the faith to take the next step, without being able to see where the path is taking you. I know that God wants me at these conferences, if for no other reason than to remind me that He is sovereign and He is going to take care of me. He already arranged for two scholarships to come to me through InterVarsity (one giving me a discount on my registration rate and the other from the Shenandoah InterVarsity group) and gave me a mental list of prayer supporters, some of whom will be financial supporters, so that I have this opportunity.

Stepping out in the dark isn't easy. Growing and stretching hurts. But the end result? Well, I can't see it right now, but I know that it's going to be beautiful and for Him.

I don't know where I'm going right now. I finished the dorm counselor interview process today and now I just have to wait for a week or three (ha) and pray that God's will would be done. I really want to be a DC and have a freshman hall. You know when you have this little voice in the back of your mind telling you that you're supposed to be doing something? Well, I believe that's the Holy Spirit, and I believe that when the time comes to fruition, He tells you when you're supposed to do it. I've been thinking and praying about being a DC since freshman year, and I feel like it's where He's leading me for next year, but of course I won't know for sure until I find out if I am accepted or not. I like applications - they're clear cut.

I don't know where I'm going after college. I don't know whether it'll be grad school or to a job. I hope to go to grad school in Virginia, but there's no telling yet, really. The theme for Urbana is "You Have a Calling" though, so maybe I'll know. :) But maybe I won't.

One thing I do know is that I have to remain open, even if I have all the specifics nailed down. Something can always change, it's just what makes life interesting and wonderful.

For now, though, I'm thinking that my homework is calling. Essay time...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Seven More Weeks

Only seven more weeks until I leave for Urbana and then Passion! I feel like that is a good first entry for my Urbana/Passion blog. I'm still trying to figure all the formatting out, so bear with me. Once I figure out how everything works, this will look a lot cooler!

Blog title comes from Passion's theme verse, Isaiah 26:8 --
"Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth, we wait for you. For your name and your renown are the desire of our souls."